If you are going to use SpoolFab’s Rotary Tube Pro output, first go to the relevant Master Files and select Material Categories. If the RTPGroup column is not present, request an updated copy of MTMaster.ac2 by contacting us.
If you use branches such as olets, sockolets, or thredolets, check that your dimension files include the relevant hole diameters as shown below.
Screenshots of other relevant branches follow at the end of this document. Check that the hole diameters given correspond to the fittings you are using.
The settings are in a file called RTPSettings.txt which is located in the user’s Application Data/SpoolFab folder.
Line 1 must be either Units=Inch or Units=mm.
Line 2 must define the weld prep angle.
These are followed by lines that define the process to be used based on material and maximum wall thickness. The process definition lines can begin with MS;, SS;, or AL;. Note that each process definition line contains two semicolons.
The program adopts the first process that satisfies the following criteria:
You can use SpoolFab to create an .RPD (Rotary Tube Pro) files for a single fabrication drawing as follows:
The name of the generated RTP file contains information about the item, see below.
In this example, G means Standard Wall. Other schedules are listed below.
A Sch 5s
B Sch 10s
C Sch 10
D Sch 20s
E Sch 20
F Sch 30
G Std
H Sch 40s
I Sch 40
J Sch 60
L Sch 80s
M Sch 80
N Sch 100
O Sch 120
P Sch 140
Q Sch 160
To create RTP files from multiple fabrication drawings, first select the relevant drawings either in Fabrication Material Control or directly from the Fab drawing by selecting File, Make New List.
Check the option Generate RPD files for Rotary Tube Pro as shown below. Then hit the Proceed button.
The resulting .RPD files are written to the job’s PMP folder. The files are generated for pipes 2 inch size and larger.
Feedback on the RPD output can be directed to us via our contact page.
Check that the dimensions shown correspond to the fittings you are using, and edit them if necessary.
Example: To change the hole diameter for a 3000# Sockolet, select Edit, Master Files, SW/TH Branches. Put the focus on row F, in the 3000# column. Then press F3 or select Edit dimensions for 3000# Sockolet as indicated below.